
Sunday, March 13, 2011

Monsanto at the root of Morgellons.

The more I learn about this disease, the scarier it gets. Baculovirus is Identified as Morgellons. It is very disheartening. I am still using the MMS. My lesions, although, the appearance changes, are no better. However, I do feel a little better. I have yet to try the dmho MMS spray.

The Mayo Clinic has this to say. Talk about patronizing and condescending. Yes, we're all a bunch of mental cases.

I blame Monsanto, and our government for allowing corporations like Monsanto to destroy our food supply. This is why there is no response from the medical establishment regarding Morgellons.

I mean, moth genes fused with potatoes? Arctic Char genes fused with strawberries? Flounder genes fused with tomatoes? Firefly genes with corn! What are they trying to do to us?

This documentary exposes a vast conspiracy to contaminate and control the world's food supply through genetic engineering of food crops. Leading scientists and activists present the facts that you need to know about genetically modified organisms (GMOs). Eighty percent of food sold in North America already has ingredients made of GMOs that have not been adequately tested for safety.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Cannot Depend on "the Establishment"

I never realized the importance of the medical establishment's recognition of a disease is until now. Not only in getting well, and relieving symptoms, but in a person's ability to balance his ore her budget.

It's not bad enough that you feel like you're being eaten alive and literally want to scratch yourself down to the bone. But because the disease does not "exist", according to the establishment, no matter how sick you are, you will never qualify for any type of support given to people with acknowledged diseases, for example, SSI.

Believe it or not, Morgellon's disease can render you incapable of keeping a job. I've already lost one job and cannot find another. In late 2002, prior to the job I lost due to this disease, I worked at a bank for 8-years. I always received excellent performance evaluations, but due to a merger, the department I worked for was eliminated, leaving me unemployed. It was right about then that I started to go downhill.

Fast forward a few years and I took a job at another bank. However, this time, due to my lack of dexterity, and mental agility, I literally could not do what was required. It takes me more than twice as long to do any task...even something as trivial as paying for an item at a store. I have to stop and think about each step, and then I have to get my fingers to work in order to count the money. People must think I'm mentally challenged because nine times out of ten I give them the wrong change or wrong amount because all of these people are waiting in line and I'm rushing which makes it even worse. There is significant lag time in the message getting from my brain to whatever part of my body that needs to respond.

Anyway, failing in front of so many people was very humiliating. Eventually, I was let go. At the same time, I was going from doctor to doctor trying to find out what was wrong with me. They tested me for Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson's Disease, and every other disease under the sun. I never received an answer. Now, I know why. But, back then, I had no idea.

On top of that there was the surprise divorce, so I needed to provide proof to the courts in order to continue maintaining a decent standard of living (shelter, food, health care, transportation). Well, despite the MRI results showing something was clearly wrong, and paperwork from the doctor stating there was something clearly wrong, because I did not have a definite diagnosis, none of that proved anything. You see, in order for the courts to take your health into consideration, you need a definite diagnosis. Not to mention, to qualify for SSI. I don't even think I'm sick enough to qualify for SSI. I can still do things, albeit, much slower, with very little stamina. But, for the people who have been debilitated by this disease or any other undiagnosed disease, they're destitute. It's very sad that people no longer matter. Only profit.

My standard of living is certainly not the same as it was, however, I'm one of the lucky ones. I have a very supportive family who have helped us over several obstacles. I still do not have a job. I don't know if it's due to my age, my condition, my credit report, or a bad economy. All I know is that I feel unemployable. But, somehow, day by day, by the grace of God, we're making it.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

MMS Spray Bottle Protocol

The MMS spray bottle is used for external MMS protocols, i.e. cancers, fungus, skin problems, infections, tumors, oral diseases, etc. The 3,000 Protocol is MMS1 used with DMSO as a carrier to penetrate the skin and tissue and as an alternative to the oral protocols. Use this MMS spray bottle for general hygiene as well.

Monday, February 21, 2011

What the FDA and $ trillion pharmaceutical industry don't want you to know.

First of all, I just want to be clear.  What I'm about to say is not that  everything doctors prescribe is bad.  Not even close. Just that there are powerful incentives *greed* *power* behind cutting off access to alternative information and knowledge to what the medical establishment has to offer.  We are all entitled access to all of the information and knowledge, often kept from us, in order to make our own decisions.

Anyway, many of the links I have provided regarding MMS will generate a WOT warning, like this one: Jim Humble's Personal Writings and Methods of Using the MMS Master Mineral Solution. The reason is not that they're toxic; rather, it's they (the establishment) don't want you to know that there are alternatives to the drugs that they push in order to line the pockets of the drug profit-reapers. 

More than 225,000 people died last year after taking one or more drugs prescribed by a doctor and approved by the FDA.  Some agencies even report a much greater number.  Moreover, I'm sure everyone in the US knows at least one person who died from chemo therapy rather than the disease it's supposed to treat: cancer.

It is the immune suppressing or outright reactions from the drugs itself that kills people. For example, the drug Vioxx  killed 60,000 people before the FDA took it off the market.   Just Google “medical drugs and death," and you will see.

The National Institute of Health Report, by Judith R. Lubbers, Sudha Chauan, and Joseph R. Bianchine in 1982, proved that ingesting of Chlorine dioxide and a number of other disinfectants had no liability to the human body. Yet the FDA recently issued a warning against MMS. They did not conduct tests, refer to the actual chemistry, or consult with experts. Instead, they listened to several reports from individuals who ‘thought that they might have had a bad reaction from MMS’. In other words, the FDA did nothing more than respond to the few allegations received, according to their own report, totally disregarding the thousands of reports of benefit from MMS user.

As for myself, I cannot claim that I am cured; however, I have noticed changes, primarily, a great increase in the surfacing of the Morgellon clusters of doom, and with the exception of Thursday and Friday, I have more energy than I've had in a long time.

In addition, I have a tendency to be scatterbrained at my most healthy, thus, following protocol to the t is not happening here.  I'm doing the best I can in an environment that is sometimes like Grand Central Station.  Another reason I started this blog. I want to monitor my progress or regression in order to get a handle on this beast.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Where do the fibers come from?

Think "living" gummy worms, able to copiously reproduce inside your body in order to colonize and eat you from the inside out. That's Morgellons in a nutshell. That's how I see it now that I've learned the following: 

The technology to create Morgellons was conceived during the 70's. A patent patented the hydrogel, the methods to encapsulate living cells, tissues, and insects and even nematodes. It was owned by Princeton University. The patent ended in 1993, just in time for this technology to be weaponized.

Professor Peter J. Schultz led a team at The Scripps Research Institute (TSRI)in LaJolla CA. In 2003, his team created a process which resulted in the mass production of proteins with synthetic amino acids, a process as revolutionary as the mass production of cars.

The TSRI team set the stage for adding synthetic amino acids into the genetic codes of mammals and humans. Brewers Yeast serves as the best model system for genomics becaues it is easily manipulated, grows quickly and is a versatile DNA transformational system. Schultz said, "Yeast is the gateway to mammalian cells. We've opened up the whole pathway to higher organisms."  Well, isn't that special.

Prior to this, no one ever found a way to get organisms to add unnatural amino acids into their genetic code. I guess Scripps Institute holds the patent on Morgellon's Disease.

Where do Fibers Come From?

Dissecting Morgellons

Warning: Not suitable for queasy stomachs.

I find one of the worst parts of this nasty disease is feeling like I've lost my mind...and that everyone else thinks I've lost my mind. Because, really, who dissects themselves? Who takes pictures of their contaminated body parts and then blogs it for the world to see? A crazy person! That's who!

I know what I feel and what I observe is real. But sometimes I don't. With no confirmation from anyone else, I often doubt that the bugs I feel crawling all over my skin; the lesions that never heal and continue to spread, and itch like a son-of-an-itch; and all of the other symptoms from hell are really real. This is one of the reasons I started this blog. I need an external record that this is indeed happening...especially if I end up dead. I want to be counted as a Morgellon's statistic because I know there is a group of Satan-spawned neocons responsible for creating these insidious self replicating, semi-alive pathogens of horror.

So anyway, I wasn't going to mention this; however, since some weird changes are taking place, I will. On February 11, I started taking Jim Humble's Miracle Mineral Supplement (MMS).  You will get a warning from WOT if you click on the link, but I'm almost positive that's because MMS is controversial according to the FDA. In other words, MMS has the potential to eat into the profits of the trillion-dollar pharmaceutical industry, and we can't have that.  No sirree!

I wish I knew how to take pictures of magnified (10x) skin samples (I saved them, of course), or I should say, what's embedded in the skin samples because today I had countless dark spots on my feet and legs surface, which when dissected and put under the microscope, look EXACTLY like the networks of filaments, fibers and God knows what else encapsulated or encased in a transparent gel like substance I've seen on the Internet.

And now for the horror show (full-sized versions on IMAGES page):

Also covering both wrists and a little up the arm:

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Morgellons: The Disease that Doesn't Exist, But Does.

WARNING: Below: Graphic pictures of ugliness.

If you think you have Morgellons Disease, Morgellons Disease: A Crime of Silence. The CDC gets involved... to kill further research! is a must read!

Normally, I'm a very private person. I don't like writing about personal matters; therefore I'd strongly prefer not to write about this, but since I can do so anonymously, I will. Who knows? Maybe - in the same way that reading other people's diaries, blogs, forums, as I did - it will help someone else who is suffering from the same thing.

I never stopped during my twenties and thirties.  I felt good.  I felt inspired. I kept busy from early morning to late at night. 

In my early thirties, I fell in love with gardening. I lived outside, in the soil, digging, planting, designing... life was good. What I didn't realize was that I was in the process of setting myself up for a huge fall.   Who knew gardening could be so dangerous?

It all started going downhill, right around my 40th birthday. I didn't feel well. I wasn't inspired. Something was wrong, but I had no idea what. I lost my job. My marriage started falling apart, and in 2006, my husband left me, and my three children.

Just prior to his leaving, I had started the process of finding out what's wrong with me. Doctors thought I might have Multiple Sclerosis based on my symptoms and MRIs, which showed demyelination, a degenerative process that erodes away the myelin sheath that normally protects nerve fibers. However, after seeing doctor after doctor, and after getting test after test, all the while going through a divorce, losing another job because I didn't have the dexterity or mental clarity to perform, I gave up on trying to get a diagnosis, and resigned myself to living in limbo, on all fronts.

Fast forward to June, 2010, an odd-looking and extraordinarily itchy rash started on the insteps of both feet, and around the outside of my elbow region. I went to the doctor, who said it looked like "Ringworm", but not really, so he prescribed some ointment and steroids. It did not help at all. Prior to the outbreak on my feet and arms, since 2007, I did get stubborn rashes that appeared on my face and neck. I assume now, that it may have been Morgellons, but I'm not sure.

Today, the rash is even worse. After spending numerous hours on the Internet, and comparing what I saw under the microscope to all the pictures of tangled colored threads embedded in my skin, not to mention, extremely odd things that sometimes emerge, I now know I have Morgellon's Disease and possibly, **Myalgic Encephalomyelitis, as I have discovered some of my more unusual symptoms are experienced by people with Myalgic Enchphalomyelitis, another strange disease.

In early February I decided I should take some pictures. My children think I've lost my mind, and treat me like a leper, most of the time, lol. And although I do miss my ex-husband, I'm glad he's not here to witness what I've become. I feel like a creature from a horror movie most of the time.  I have very little pride left.  So, as long as I can stay anonymous, I'm going to suck it up and chronicle and/or display my disgusting lesions (full-sized versions located on IMAGES page).


Sometimes it's hard to articulate what's wrong. At least for me, it is. So I found a list of someone else's symptoms on the web, who had very similar ones to mine. I copied her list, and then tweaked it, eliminating what I have not experienced and adding what I do experience.

Anyway, my tolerances and abilities are about at 30-50% what they used to be, and that’s on a good day.
My symptoms (gets a little better as day progresses into night, but not much):

Stumbling/balance issues.

Severe Fatigue: Never able to maintain pre-illness activity levels even on “good” days which are rare and getting rarer.

When active beyond my usual level, I profoundly sweat. Previously, no matter how active I was, I rarely perspired.

Muscle weakness (feels like I'm going to tear my muscles when using them for very simple tasks)

Pain throughout my body -- achy/crampy pain. Pain prevalent especially getting out of my car or getting up.

Shortness of breath (upon exertion)

Tightness in abdominal area. If I stand up against a wall and stretch my arms up, latching on to something and allowing my body to fall forward it relieves this feeling.

Very itchy rash outside of wrists, elbows, shoulders and top of feet since June 2010.

Numbness and tingling of extremities
Proprioception (unconscious awareness of the position of one's body) difficulties

Myoclonus sudden shock-like twitching of muscles; irregular involuntary contraction of a muscles. 

Difficulty with simultaneous processing

Terrible anxiety over everything...and I mean everything.

Total meltdown every time I engage in physical activity that involves steps or a lot of physical movement.

Startle very easily;  I experience flashes of pain throughout my entire body.

When I lie down at night, I hear loud bursts of singing, lots of people talking, and other loud noises out of nowhere.

Some involuntary jerking/tremor of muscles

Feeling tongue tied (know what I want to say but can't seem to get my brain to work with my mouth to get it out)

Difficulty grasping small things especially. (ex. change, money)

Memory issues

Heart burn (acid reflux) when I never had problems with that before.

Brain fog (just not being able to get my head above the clouds type feeling)

Difficulty writing....either due to tremor,  inability to grasp pencil or lack of concentration. (varies in severity)
Dizziness (varies in severity)

Hand/arm/leg/foot swelling

Heavy feeling of extremities

Lack of coordination/dexterity

Slowness of thoughts/speech. Often experience broken speech

Foot drop and/or taking smaller steps than usual (shuffling of feet)

Sensitive temples, especially left side.

Night sweats (I used to wake up a few times per night soaked…now, especially after rash started, I  rarely, if ever, get night sweats)

Some things I've found that seem to help the itching.

Soaking in detergent, bleach and water seems to make less itchy.
Soaking in epsom salts and hot water.
Mechanical massager helps with the itching.
Burying my feet and ankles in snow, ice cold water, etc

**SPECT scans have demonstrated decreased cerebral blood flow most frequently in the frontal, parietal, temporal, occipital and brain stem areas of the brain. These abnormalities have also been shown to correlate with clinical status. Dr Byron Hyde adds that, ‘I do not describe a patient as having Myalgic Encephalomyelitis unless there is an abnormal SPECT. If the SPECT is normal, I often repeat it along with xenon SPECT.

Transgenetically Tagged?

The role of genetic engineering in the aetiology of Morgellans disease via Agrobacterium.

Since Chromobacterium Violaceum, which produces violacein, has been found in Morgellons skin lesions, along with the biofilm, it seems a no-brainer that this is why Morgellons Disease resists healing and, in fact, spreads so rapidly.

Don't forget that the proteins of Chromobacterium Violaceum were apparently tagged to fluoresce by some trans-genetic laboratory. The complete genome of this bacterium was published in 2003. This implies that they were intentionally included in this witches brew!