
Friday, February 18, 2011

Dissecting Morgellons

Warning: Not suitable for queasy stomachs.

I find one of the worst parts of this nasty disease is feeling like I've lost my mind...and that everyone else thinks I've lost my mind. Because, really, who dissects themselves? Who takes pictures of their contaminated body parts and then blogs it for the world to see? A crazy person! That's who!

I know what I feel and what I observe is real. But sometimes I don't. With no confirmation from anyone else, I often doubt that the bugs I feel crawling all over my skin; the lesions that never heal and continue to spread, and itch like a son-of-an-itch; and all of the other symptoms from hell are really real. This is one of the reasons I started this blog. I need an external record that this is indeed happening...especially if I end up dead. I want to be counted as a Morgellon's statistic because I know there is a group of Satan-spawned neocons responsible for creating these insidious self replicating, semi-alive pathogens of horror.

So anyway, I wasn't going to mention this; however, since some weird changes are taking place, I will. On February 11, I started taking Jim Humble's Miracle Mineral Supplement (MMS).  You will get a warning from WOT if you click on the link, but I'm almost positive that's because MMS is controversial according to the FDA. In other words, MMS has the potential to eat into the profits of the trillion-dollar pharmaceutical industry, and we can't have that.  No sirree!

I wish I knew how to take pictures of magnified (10x) skin samples (I saved them, of course), or I should say, what's embedded in the skin samples because today I had countless dark spots on my feet and legs surface, which when dissected and put under the microscope, look EXACTLY like the networks of filaments, fibers and God knows what else encapsulated or encased in a transparent gel like substance I've seen on the Internet.

And now for the horror show (full-sized versions on IMAGES page):

Also covering both wrists and a little up the arm:

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