
Monday, February 21, 2011

What the FDA and $ trillion pharmaceutical industry don't want you to know.

First of all, I just want to be clear.  What I'm about to say is not that  everything doctors prescribe is bad.  Not even close. Just that there are powerful incentives *greed* *power* behind cutting off access to alternative information and knowledge to what the medical establishment has to offer.  We are all entitled access to all of the information and knowledge, often kept from us, in order to make our own decisions.

Anyway, many of the links I have provided regarding MMS will generate a WOT warning, like this one: Jim Humble's Personal Writings and Methods of Using the MMS Master Mineral Solution. The reason is not that they're toxic; rather, it's they (the establishment) don't want you to know that there are alternatives to the drugs that they push in order to line the pockets of the drug profit-reapers. 

More than 225,000 people died last year after taking one or more drugs prescribed by a doctor and approved by the FDA.  Some agencies even report a much greater number.  Moreover, I'm sure everyone in the US knows at least one person who died from chemo therapy rather than the disease it's supposed to treat: cancer.

It is the immune suppressing or outright reactions from the drugs itself that kills people. For example, the drug Vioxx  killed 60,000 people before the FDA took it off the market.   Just Google “medical drugs and death," and you will see.

The National Institute of Health Report, by Judith R. Lubbers, Sudha Chauan, and Joseph R. Bianchine in 1982, proved that ingesting of Chlorine dioxide and a number of other disinfectants had no liability to the human body. Yet the FDA recently issued a warning against MMS. They did not conduct tests, refer to the actual chemistry, or consult with experts. Instead, they listened to several reports from individuals who ‘thought that they might have had a bad reaction from MMS’. In other words, the FDA did nothing more than respond to the few allegations received, according to their own report, totally disregarding the thousands of reports of benefit from MMS user.

As for myself, I cannot claim that I am cured; however, I have noticed changes, primarily, a great increase in the surfacing of the Morgellon clusters of doom, and with the exception of Thursday and Friday, I have more energy than I've had in a long time.

In addition, I have a tendency to be scatterbrained at my most healthy, thus, following protocol to the t is not happening here.  I'm doing the best I can in an environment that is sometimes like Grand Central Station.  Another reason I started this blog. I want to monitor my progress or regression in order to get a handle on this beast.

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